Xenon Anomalies in the Pasamonte Meteorite

Description: Rowe and Kuroda (1965) presented their measurement of the isotopic composition and abundance of xenon in a sample of the Pasa- monte meteorite in which isogenic xenon, pre- presumably from the spontaneous fission of ex- tinct Pu’”, was detected. The Pu’-Xedecay interval was found to be about 300 m.y. The data on a second […]

Cosmic ray spallation and the special anomaly in achondrites

Description: Examination of the isotopic composition of xenon from achondrites reveals that the124Xe, 126Xe, 128Xe and130Xe are all linearly correlated indicating only two principal components for this isotopes-trapped and cosmic ray-produced xenon. No evidence is found for the reaction 127I(n, γβ)128Xe in the achondrites. We thus place approximate limits on the neutron flux relative to […]

Dated Rock Paintings at Red Cliffs, Arizona

Description: This article presents radiocarbon dates for painted motifs at Red Cliffs, west of Sedona in the northeastern corner of Yavapai County, Arizona. All rock painting shields at the Red Cliffs sites have usually been attributed to the Sinagua. Black pigment from one shield motif and an overlying white dot on another motif yielded uncalibrated […]


Description: A sample from a charcoal rock painting at the Arnold/Tainter Cave site (47Cr560) was radiocarbon dated, providing the first direct age determination for a pictograph in Wisconsin. The sample was pretreated with HCl and NaOH before organic carbon was extracted using an oxygen plasma. The painting, of a creature resembling a caribou because of […]

Mass Spectrometric Radiocarbon Dates from Three Rock Paintings of Known Age

Description: Radiocarbon age determinations are presented on three hieroglyphic texts from Naj Tunich cave in Guatemala containing Maya calendar dates. The ages obtained are on average 110-140 years older than the calendar dates. Several possible reasons are discussed for this discrepancy: one that is applicable to all radiocarbon dates on charcoal, one that applies to […]

Application of supercritical carbon dioxide-co-solvent mixtures for removal of organic material from archeological artifacts for radiocarbon dating

Description: The wastewater generated during sheep wool processing poses serious environmental and economic concerns, as effective treatment is required to remove impurities prior to the discharge or recycling of water (Holkar et al., 2016; Poole and Cord-Ruwisch, 2004). Due to the detrimental impact of existing sheep wool processing techniques, the annual production of wool in […]